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巻頭言 日中における心不全治療の現状

東京慈恵会医科大学臨床薬理学 教授
志賀 剛


総合診療科医師   王 琦
心臓内科主任医師、教授  鄒雲増

Current Status and Progress of of Heart Failure Pharmacotherapy in China

The morbidity of heart failure is increasing. Recently, new drugs have hit the market and treatment regimens have moved from the golden triangle mode to the new tetralogy mode. Our knowledge of heart failure has also changed; previously, some heart failure conditions were considered to be idiopathic or incurable, but we now have in-depth knowledge that allows for good control, and therefore most patients can live for a long time and enjoy better life quality. This paper mainly discusses the current conditions and new progress of drug treatments for heart failure in China.

【Key words】
Heart failure, Drug treatment, Current status and new progress


復旦大学附属中山病院 心臓外科
副主任医師 楊兆華  
主任医師  王春生

Current Status and Progress of Non-Pharmacotherapy Treatment for Heart Failure in China

The morbidity and mortality of heart failure are high, and this seriously affects the quality of life and life expectancy of patients. Heart transplantation is an effective treatment for end-stage heart failure, but is limited by a serious shortage of donor heart sources. In recent years, domestic ventricular assist devices (VADs) have provided another treatment option for end-stage heart failure patients. This article analyzes and explores the current situation and problems faced by heart transplantation and VADs in the treatment of end-stage heart failure, with the aim of providing more effective treatment for such patients.

【Key words】
Heart failure, Heart transplantation, Ventricular assist device, Artificial heart


聖マリアンナ医科大学薬理学 准教授

Progress and Current Status of Heart Failure Pharmacotherapy in Japan

In recent years, heart failure pharmacotherapy in Japan has made progress. In particular, the period from 2019 to 2022 was a milestone of significant change with the introduction of many new drugs. One major difference with previous heart failure drugs was the lack of drug lag with Europe and the United States. Furthermore, the dosing for these drugs is the same as for Europe and the United States.

【Key words】
Acute heart failure, Chronic heart failure, Older adults, Heart failure guidelines, Kampo medicine


東京大学医学部附属病院 高度心不全治療センター長
波多野 将

Current Status of Non-Pharmacotherapy Treatment for Heart Failure in Japan

Prognosis after heart transplantation is extremely good in Japan, with a 5-year survival of 92.9% and 10-year survival of 88.8%. However, there are extremely long waiting periods due to a serious donor shortage. In Japan, the outcomes associated with implantable left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) are also extremely good, with a 3-year survival of 92% and 5-year survival of 88%. Before April 2021, implantable LVADs were only approved for use in patients waiting for a heart transplant, but starting from April 30, 2021, patients who meet the criteria for destination therapy can be implanted with implantable LVADs without registering as heart transplant recipients.

【Key words】
Heart transplantation, Implantable left ventricular assist device, Destination therapy, INTERMACS profile


笹川生 in China

南部戦区総医院 泌尿器外科主任、副主任医師  王 尉

あとがき 広報委員会委員  志賀 剛