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前言 日中老年人认知障碍症的医疗与照护

东京大学医学系附属医院老年病科 教授


※1. 副主任(通讯作者)

The present situation and future research of cognitive impairment in the elderly in China

With the development of socioeconomic status and the aggravating trend of aging population, the prevalence of cognitive impairment is steadily increasing in China. Cognitive impairment has become a significant health burden in China. China is a large population country with unbalanced regional development, the management of hypertension, diabetes and other chronic diseases are not well-controlled. Exploring the detailed risk factors and establishing reasonable guidelines for cognitive impairment are highly needed for better management and prevention of cognitive impairment. Socioeconomic status, regional differences, and educational levels should be taken into consideration when designing management strategies for cognitive impairment.

【Key words】
China, older people, oldest-old, cognitive function, cognitive impairment, dementia


扬州大学护理学院 教授

Current status and problem of cognitive impairment care of older adults in China

China has the largest older adult population with cognitive impairment in the world. Face to the severe challenges, it is necessary to understand the existing status of cognitive impairment care, such as greater care demand than supply, limited care demand assessment, imperfect long-term care security system and unbalanced care resources allocation. In order to improve the status, we should promote the multicenter study, innovation theory, diversification research method and interdisciplinary cooperation.

【Key words】
cognitive impairment, care, Current status, older adults



The present situation and future research of cognitive impairment in the elderly in Japan

Japan is currently facing a super aging society. Under these circumstances, timely appropriate diagnosis and care about dementia at medical institutions is essential and a living with dementia in the elderly is the most important issue after diagnosis. The current dementia measure and medical system in Japan will be introduced and its challenges be described in this article.

【Key words】
dementia, clinical medical system in a timely and appropriate manner, a new orange plan, a living with dementia


千叶大学研究生院护理学研究科 教授
认知障碍症照护创新国际财团CHIBA 副会长

千叶大学前沿医学工学中心 教授
认知障碍症照护创新国际财团CHIBA 会长

Current State and issues of dementia care in Japan

Among the measures for dementia in Japan, overviews were presented of endeavors for cultivating dementia supporters and unique education for professionals in dementia care implemented around the world. In addition, broadening family support and lifestyle disability care, and developing robots for nursing care have become issues in the eff orts to heavily promote enabling persons with dementia to continue living as much as possible in the community with which they are familiar, in the manner to which they are accustomed, until the last stage of life.

【Key words】
Dementia Care, National Policy, Ageing in Place, Education, Care Robot

<一般投稿(报告/ 资料)>

横滨市立大学医学系护理学科老年护理学专业 助教
(现 东京女子医科大学护理学系基础护理学 助教)

东北大学研究生院医学系研究科 博士前期课程

横滨市立大学医学系护理学科老年护理学专业 教授

Issues of elderly people with dementia and their family caregivers in China

This report summarizes the current state of aging in China, as well as the main issues and prospects of support for elderly people with dementia and their family caregivers, based on the existing literature. Our review suggests the necessity of accumulating research that focuses on this population’s needs for support in rural areas, rather than limiting studies to urban areas.

【Key words】
elderly people, dementia, home care, China


笹川生 in China 

首都医科大学附属北京中医医院/ 北京市中医研究所 副主任医师
李 博

后 记 宣传委员会委员  饭冢阳子、樋口Machi子